About Oneassure - A team of expert advisors to provide you with 100% unbiased recommendations.

Our Goal

Make insurance simple for individuals and businesses while maintaining transparency, empathy, and professionalism.

Our Vision

We prioritize customer confidence in our products and services to increase insurance literacy and accessibility.


PAN India Mission

Our goal is to provide comprehensive insurance solutions across the nation. With our wide network of partners and experts, we are committed to reaching every corner of India to offer insurance products tailored to the unique needs of our diverse population.

We focus on bringing insurance awareness and accessibility to every household. We strive in bridging the gap between insurance providers and customers, making it easier for everyone to secure their financial future.

Make wise insurance decisions with OneAssure. Receive 100% unbiased recommendations from our experts that are objective, clear your doubts, and confidently safeguard your future.


Partners Brands


Happy Customers


Trained Partners

Journey Of OneAssure

In October 2019, Prost insurance embarked on its journey, focusing on developing software solutions tailored for insurance brokers. By December of the same year, the company secured pre-seed funding amounting to 4.8 crores, marking a significant milestone in its early stages. Building on this momentum, Prost insurance formally incorporated as Prost Insurance Brokers in 2020, solidifying its position in the industry. The company achieved another milestone on 22nd July 2021, obtaining a license for Direct Broking, further expanding its capabilities and reach. By March 2023, Prost insurance had successfully insured approximately 20,000 lives across health and life insurance domains, underscoring its commitment to providing essential coverage and services to individuals and families.


People Who Made This Journey Possible


Ruchir Kanakia

Team Members